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Version 5.33 Summery
Features added or changed:- Changed saving the AI biases to an individual file in the settings folder.
- Added a built in bias to ignore the AI name on outputs, what ever it is set to.
- Added an automatic word bias for old AI names when name is changed.
- Optimized loading of ".brain" files, loading brain file should be a little faster.
- The default time for auto save has changed from 15 mins to 40 mins.
- Changed default redundant information for file time stamps from 10 years to 6 years.
- Removed "hu?" and "why?" to statement responses.
- Bug Fixed: Speeding up talking time applied to when AI changes topics.
Subscriber features:
- Changed saving the AICore to an individual file in the settings folder.
- Optimized "Load and merge", merging ".brain" files now should be a little faster.
- Added a total timer and total percent process when file merging.
- Bug Fixed: AICore beta self recognition context changes saving system fixed.
Version 5.33 Details
This is a major save file update, a full rewriting of the code for saving fixes many saving issues, making saving quicker and sharing easier!
Some setting may revert to default in this update. The new bias files in the bias tab will be converted from the "options.sav" to the "aicorebias.bias" file on this version update only. The psychological and time biases will reset to default for the new "aicorebias.bias" file. The AICore settings will be completely reset for the new "aicoremain.aicore" file. The ".brain" will now only contain the AI brain, the AI name, what version the save file is. The "options.sav" file will now only contain user and server options.
It is recommended to delete "options.sav" to reset the settings fully AFTER the update, the AI biases are saved here and will be loaded to be saved into "aicorebias.bias"!
The beta self question detection system was not being saved properly, so was not being loaded right, fixes have been made which will enable people to set test the beta and give feedback, one step towards the path of sentience.
The backup system that saves a separate brain file as a backup has had a small fix, the backup system would create blank brain files when AdamAIChat starts, backing up the brain before the program could load a brain.
In the last version word bias controls were added to allow a user to adjust the way the artificial intelligence responded based individual words, this now save along with other bias option data in a new file "settings/aicorebias.bias", this will allow users share bias setting later.
The AICore is no longer saved in the brain file itself and is now saved in a separate file "settings/aicoremain.aicore", this will allow users to easily change and share different core responses separately from the ".brain" files.
Saving the AICore and biases separately optimizes the ".brain" file saving and loading, with the AICore separated from the ".brain" files, all round optimization of loading and merging ".brain" files should be faster.
With the update in the users control over individual word biases the AI can now ignore the output of its own name back at the user.
Fixes have been applied to the psychological element of finding the answer to a question, all of the default question detection responses in the AICore have been updated to be more general, fixes have also been made to the beta self recognition system to do with context of conversation changes.
The AI will now pace itself a bit better when taking it to reply, this allows for multiple inputs even if the user is waiting for an output, this stop the AI getting confused when recording input data.
The talking time option has also been applied to when the AI changes topic, before the AI applied talking time to the second response, now it depends on the option set by the user.
The default setting for redundant old information and auto save time have been adjusted, auto saving was done to frequently and now takes a longer time between saves, old information is considered to be redundant after a shorter period of time, information become redundant after 6 years instead of 10 years, brain save file from before the redundant information update being converted to modern format timestamps the folder and files in the brain to date converted, the default auto save time has been changed from 15 mins to 40 mins.
Tweaks have been made to some other default settings, remote brain file downloading along with users and moderator settings have changed for the best safety when starting out as a AI chat server host. The "options.sav" file needs to be deleted to restore default server settings.
By default the brain can not be downloaded from the server, users can teach, but can not see or edit the brain or the bias tab, moderators can see the teach, see the brain tab, and can edit the brain files, but can not see the bias tab, the server admins have full access to everything. The AICore tab visible to subscribers can only be seen by the server admins with subscriber accounts.
...I did it! I squish did it!...
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