Version Update 5.43

Core AI & brain-file update
Version: 5.43

Previous Versions:

5.425.41 - 5.40
5.37 - 5.38 - 5.39 - 5.36 - 
5.34 - 5.33 - 5.32 - 5.31 - 5.30
5.29 - 5.28 - 5.27 - 5.26 - 5.25
5.24 - 5.23 - 5.22 - 5.21 - 5.20

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Version 5.43 Summery

Features added or changed:
  • Better server admin checking procedures!
  • Added an intelligence level to the database details button.
  • Added a "Clear brain with biases" button to the "Bias" menu tab.
  • Bug Fixed: The new folder "button" with the new statistics!
Subscriber features added or changed:
  • Added a compress brain button to aid with game script efficiency.

Version 5.43 Details

The right click "add input folder" has been the quickest way to make a new folder in the brain tab, and has been up to date thus far, the add new folder "button" at the control panel at the top of many menus has not, and now been updated with the same functions! The main statistic missing from using this buttons was the creation date of new folders, files in the brain tab are the main output when processing such data, this should not effect overall performance, just data keeping for moderation and admin controls.

Total conversation from the old admin system to the new admin system is complete, with hopefully little interruptions from earlier version to this version, in the previous versions multiple admins could be in total charge of the server options, now that has been narrowed down to just the owner, just one BYOND username can now be admin.

Currently the word bias system blocks sentences containing banned words from being said by the AI, but the brain file still stores this data from the person who said it to it, you can now remove this data completely with a simple button very quickly.

A new ability to prune out nasty content from the brain based on banned words in the "Bias" tab has been added, this new button will scan the AI brain for banned words and then delete files and folders containing these words.

For subscribers that create, to help with the efficiency of the publicly available game script, a new button in the "Info" tab allows users to compress their created characters AI brain ready for any game or application, this will remove all the empty folders, ignored or a bias banned word and set every response remaining to 1 weight.

The new compress button provides a AI brain ready to be saved that is quicker to convert by the scripts first time converter, and also processes responses faster in any created game or application using the script.

After the brain has been converted, with "Learning Mode" off in the "Control" tab and "Use Question Detection" off in the "Options" tab, this can emulate what it would be like to talk to the AI using the script in a game or application.

The download now comes with a basic Chinese brain and Chinese AICore.

...More Power!...

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Version Update 5.42

Core AI & brain-file update
Version: 5.42

Previous Versions:

5.37 - 5.38 - 5.39 - 5.36 - 
5.34 - 5.33 - 5.32 - 5.31 - 5.30
5.29 - 5.28 - 5.27 - 5.26 - 5.25
5.24 - 5.23 - 5.22 - 5.21 - 5.20

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Version 5.42 Summery

Features added or changed:
  • Further security improvements.
  • New saving and loading for backing up AICore bias data.
  • New load AICore button has been added.
  • Changed a computer term to a psychological term, "Back-Tracing" is now "Retention".
  • Added the display of what is consider old data to the option.
  • Changes have been made to the default ignore old data option.
  • Bug Fixed: Fixed a major word bias system bug.
  • Bug Fixed: Loading user statistics.
  • Bug Fixed: Deleting a file or folder error has been fixed.
Subscriber features added or changed:
  • The AICore can be backed up and saved.
Version 5.42 Details

Back tracing has now been renamed to retention as it is designed to add a multiplier to parts of the conversation further back in the past, each file contains data which can store further back in the conversation and is used to link what was previously said to add enhanced retention in conversation, this allows the AI to be less random.

Added details in the options about when data is considered redundant and should be ignored as old data, the default setting for this was 5 years and has now the default is 10 years, this default maybe increased further in future versions, but can still be manually set by the users.

Since the security update of adding a new Admin tab to the menu, user statistics on how much an individual has chatted to the AI and how much the AI has learned from a user on each individual server has been restored.

A major bug has been found in the word bias system and has been fixed, this was noticed when a banned word was outputted by the AI, the change may effect small words being detected within bigger words but will allow for the bias system to be used by different languages in the future that do not use the space bar, further adjustments in the future updates will address this issue.

Further security improvements. In the new admin menu, mods can no longer add or remove mods, only admins can add and remove mods. Other improvements have been made to the new admin systems, implementing the old system with the new system, editing and deleting options for each level of user on a server has been fixed.

In the last version some moderators had some access to some admin only options, this has been corrected. The multiple admin system has now been fully phased out for the new server admin lock, locking one user as the server admin.

More stability and ease of access has been added with the option to backup AICore and AICore bias data with a new loading and saving function, this is locked to the server admins only and will remove the need to manually move files to the application folder.

The save AICore function is a subscriber feature as only subscribers have access to the ability to edit the artificial intelligence core, anyone can load these files.

Added an few example files which can be loaded and tested, including:
defaultaicore.aicore - alphachinesecore.aicore - exampleaicorebias.bias

Recent default brain file details:
Folders: 2567 - Files: 3763 - 6330 total files and folders
Responses: 8709 total file weight
Average Files Per Folder: 1.46591
Links: 3440 files linking to a folder.
Retention Links: 1880 in files retaining conversation.
Stray Links: 398 folders with no link to it.
Empty Folders: 821 awaiting a reply.
Total Characters: 260474.

...Something, something, universe something, Babel fish!...

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Version Update 5.41

Core AI & brain-file update
Version: 5.41

Previous Versions:

5.405.37/5.38/5.39 - 5.36 - 5.35
5.34 - 5.33 - 5.32 - 5.31 - 5.30
5.29 - 5.28 - 5.27 - 5.26 - 5.25
5.24 - 5.23 - 5.22 - 5.21 - 5.20

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Version 5.41 Summery

Features added or changed:
  • Changed the debugging text.
  • Recycle bin saving has now been changed to be stored in the main brain file.
  • A new "Admin" tab has been added to aid server hosts with moderation and banning.
  • A whole new rewrite of the banning system.
  • Removed right click mod controls in the "Chatters" menu, it has all been moved to "Admin".
  • Server admin now locks to the first user and is saved as "/settings/serveradmin.sav".
  • Added the ability to remove the server IP from being displayed in the "Info" tab.
  • Changed the default theme to "Paper" the windows gray default.
  • Bug Fixed: The cancel button for the themes button no longer sets the default theme.
  • Bug Fixed: A mute person error has been removed.
  • Bug Fixed: An AI chatting to an AI will no longer leak into other view modes.

Version 5.41 Details

When adding an AI chatter to make the AI to chat to itself using the loaded brain file, the AI will no longer leak into other chat room modes when changing the conversation topic.

There is an error that a person was muted when talking in public chat room mode and not chatting to the AI, this has been removed.

The debugging messages have been changed a little to keep bug reporting easier.

Recycle bin no long will be stored as its own files and will be stored in the main brain file, load and merge will not load the recycle bin of the second file.

New host controls have been added for people with the "Admin" access level, this will allow admins to ban people from the server, mute people in public chat mode, ban a user from teaching, ban users from editing and deleting file.

The changes in the banning system allow admins to ban users even if they are offline by entering their username in host menu and saves space when it is saving data, rather than saving in individual user save files, it saves in to its own unique file in the settings folder.

Added the ability to hide the servers IP address from general users, admins can always see their IP address, the default setting does not show the server IP to the public.

Normally the admin of a hosting server always had to log in, now the admin name gets saved for every other time, so the server host only needs to access the server once to lock it to them, and each server should now only have one admin.

This update generally improves server security, controls improve safety of all server hosts from destructive individuals.

...More control!...

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Version Update 5.40

Core AI & brain-file update
Version: 5.40

Previous Versions:

5.37/5.38/5.395.36 - 5.35
5.34 - 5.33 - 5.32 - 5.31 - 5.30
5.29 - 5.28 - 5.27 - 5.26 - 5.25
5.24 - 5.23 - 5.22 - 5.21 - 5.20

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Version 5.40 Summery

Features added or changed:
  • Added a view all mode for viewing others in AI chat mode, while in chatroom mode.
  • Added a warning to the beta self recognition system option.
  • Added an End User Licence Agreement button to the info tab
  • Bug Fixed: Further fixed compatibility issues with the stolen alpha version.
  • Bug Fixed: A muting error has been fixed for chat to AI mode.

Version 5.40 Details

This version further fixes the issues with freezing while loading alpha files along with other major loading bugs.

People can now see others chatting to the AI while in public chat mode, this will allow moderators and admins to better see who is inputting what to the AI.

A warning system has been added to the beta self recognition system as it is not complete and edits what is inputted in the brain file.


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Version Update 5.37/5.38/5.39

Core AI & brain-file update
Version: 5.37/5.38/5.39

Previous Versions:

5.36 - 5.35
5.34 - 5.33 - 5.32 - 5.31 - 5.30
5.29 - 5.28 - 5.27 - 5.26 - 5.25
5.24 - 5.23 - 5.22 - 5.21 - 5.20

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Version 5.37/5.38/5.39 Summery

Features added or changed:
  • Added options to hide the bias tab from users.
  • A maximum character input was added.
  • Extra menu hiding for admins to run faster server when hosting and using.
  • Bug Fixed: Bias menu bug fixes.
  • Bug Fixed: Fixed compatibility issues with the stolen alpha version.

Version 5.37/5.38/5.39 Details

This version a general update to fix back compatibility bugs and help speed up using and hosting AdamAIChat.

Further fixes between the modern version software and the stolen alpha version brain files have been applied to allow older users to bring their brain file up to date for free.

* Note that the older alpha brain files may freeze the application while they are being converted, this is because the file size is a large file, please be patient and leave it to run, it will unfreeze again. There is currently no loading screen for this process.

Options to hide the word biases have been applied, this will allow server hosts to hide the rude words they might not want users to see.

A maximum character input has been added to limit the amount of data in one sentence from clogging up the brain files, this can be set by the admin of the server in the options.

An option has been added to hide the brain and bias tab to allow for hosts to run a server at a faster speed, this is also found in the options.

...A blast from the past!...

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