Update Version 5.23

Core AI & brain-file update
Version: 5.23

Previous Versions:

5.20 - 5.19 - 5.18 - 5.17 - 5.16 - 5.15 - 5.14/5.13 - 5.12 - 5.11
5.10 - 5.09 - 5.08 - 5.07 - 5.06 - 5.05 - 5.04 - 5.03

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Version 5.23 Summery

Features added or changed:
  • Added users can see last say button for viewing last say in control panel.
  • Added users can download button for server admins.
  • Added a subscription check button to the info tab.
  • Fixed bug: Expand on folders stopped working for all users, except admin.
  • Fixed bug: Debugging question detection number removed.

Version 5.23 Details

A few simple bugs fixed and options update for admin security added, just like the option to hide the brain tab button, you can now hide the last say folders and files, along with backtracing in the control panel with a new admin option in the options tab. Added the ability to disable downloading brain files to local machines in the option menu.

Some server had a problem with the subscription check at the start when the program loads, so a subscription check button has been added to the info tab.

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