End User Licence Agreement (EULA)


Dated: 5th July 2024


This EULA is a legal agreement between you and us (Adam Watson, and if applicable, one of its local affiliates listed in the Company Information section below). You should read the whole thing but here is a quick summary of some important points to help guide you - the full terms and conditions still apply though.

  • This AdamAIChat EULA apply to all AdamAIChat software and services.
  • Your content is yours, but please share it responsibly and safely.
  • The BYOND Terms Of Services ("TOS") help us build a community that is open and safe for everyone. A link to the BYOND Terms Of Service is at the bottom of this page.
  • We are trying to be open, honest and trusting with the hope that you hold us in the same regard.
  • This EULA applies to all AdamAIChat websites, software, experiences, and services, except for the AdamAIChat Plugin Script, each of which has its own separate terms (as stated below).
  • You may develop tools, plug-ins and software using the open source AdamAIChat Plugin Script as long as they do not seem official or approved by us, such as by using our logos. Credit must be made to "AdamAIChat.com" for use of the AdamAIChat Plugin Script only, every other aspect including the content of the user trained brain file is credited by its own creator(s).


If you buy, download, or use any of our services, or if you click to accept this EULA, that means you agree to this AdamAIChat EULA and the BYOND Terms Of Services ("TOS") Agreement, so please read through them carefully.

If you are a minor and you are having trouble understanding these terms and conditions, please ask your parent or legal guardian to explain them, especially as your parent or legal guardian is responsible for  the acceptance all terms on your behalf.

Remember to check here and the BYOND TOS once in a while as we may update these terms and conditions, which will be effective the next time you use our software and services.


For the AdamAIChat platforms, we use BYOND accounts for our software and a BYOND account is required to purchase our software subscriptions for extra feature through the BYOND website. The BYOND TOS has all the terms that apply to your BYOND account.


You can download, install, and use the AdamAIChat software for free and subscribe for addition features. You can install it on a server and host AdamAIChat online.

However, you must not distribute anything we have made unless we specifically agree to it. By "distribute anything we have made" what we mean is:

  • Try to make money from anything we have made, including files generated by the AdamAIChat software, such as brain files or setting files.
  • Let other people get access to anything we have made in a way that is unfair or unreasonable, such as subscription feature.

And so that we are crystal clear, "what we have made" includes includes updates, patches, downloadable content, add-ons, or modified versions of AdamAIChat, a part of those things, merchandise, audio-visual content, or anything else we've made.

Otherwise we are quite relaxed about what you do - in fact we really encourage you to do cool stuff - but just don't do those things that we say you can't. We encourage screenshots and recorded videos of our software. We give extra permissions to the community to encourage creativity and community, but we reserve the right to change them or withdraw permissions, especially if we see people exploiting or abusing these permissions.

All things produced using the AdamAIChat Plugin Script maybe freely distributed with credit given to "AdamAIChat.com" for use of the AdamAIChat Plugin Script, this credit is only for the AdamAIChat Plugin Script and every other aspect including the content of the user trained brain file is credited by its own creator(s).


Any code you create to interact with brain files from scratch belong to you and you can do whatever you want with them, as long as you don't sell them for money / try to make money from them. You only own what you created, you do not own our code or content.

When we update our software, some changes might not work well with other software, such as third party creations. This is unfortunate, but it is something we don’t take responsibility for. If that is the case, try using an older version.

In order to ensure the integrity of our software, we need all software downloads and updates to come from a source that we authorize. It is also important for us that third party tools and services that do not seem "official" as we can not guarantee their quality. It is part of the responsibility we have to the customers of AdamAIChat, as we may proceed to take down unofficial software that seems "official".


Your content remains your content, and that applies to the contents of an AdamAIChat brain files, not including the brain file format itself, software created containing the AdamAIChat Plugin Script, not including the AdamAIChat Plugin Script itself, and software created to interact and modify brain files generated by AdamAIChat. We do not own the original stuff that you create.

We will however own things that are copies (or substantial copies) or derivatives of our property and creations - but if you create original things, they are not ours. So, as an example:

The format of an AdamAIChat brain file, we own that.

The contents of a AdamAIChat brain file, we do not own that.


Please watch out if you are talking to the AdamAIChat software to people in our software with the public chat room or whisper feature.

It is hard for either you or us to know for sure that what people say is true, or even if people are really who they say they are.

It is advised to never give out personal information to AdamAIChat or other people talking through the AdamAIChat software.

AdamAIChat learns from the users that are able to teach it, information and facts should be check separately elsewhere, as information maybe untrue.


All AdamAIChat user are held responsible to the standards set by the BYOND TOS to participate in the BYOND community. These TOS for BYOND is the community standards and is a statement of our values to keep the AdamAIChat and BYOND community safe and fun for everyone.


The spirit of inclusion lives in our values, which are key to sustaining a vibrant and welcoming community.

  • AdamAIChat is for everyone.
  • Diversity increases the intelligence of AdamAIChat and powers our community.
  • Playing, talking and sharing with others should be safe and inclusive.
  • Hate has no place here.


AdamAIChat is available in countries all over the world, and it is important that our platform feels safe and inclusive for people of all backgrounds.

Every user in the AdamAIChat community deserves a place to be their authentic selves and to build, create, and express themselves in an environment that is inclusive to all. We aspire to be a community where AdamAIChat can be enjoyed by all.

The AdamAIChat community is everyone including yourself. When you express your opinions, please do so politely and respectfully.  Do not feed the troll in yourself!


To keep the AdamAIChat community welcoming and inclusive for everyone, we have a zero-tolerance policy towards hate speech, terrorist or violent extremist content, bullying, harassing, sexual solicitation, fraud, or threatening others.

The brain file content you create using AdamAIChat can be a great way to show off what is meaningful to you and to express your creativity. However, content that portrays hate or extreme bias or encourages illegal activity is not permitted.

Fraud is any attempt to use deceit or misrepresentation for personal or financial gain. When someone commits fraud, they circumvent the processes that keep things fair and financially secure for everyone.

The characters of AdamAIChat is built by the users, for other users and players of game created using the AdamAICHat Plugin Script. Whether you are building a fantasy character for a game or a intellectual virtual buddy to chat with, user and player safety is a priority for AdamAIChat and BYOND to ensure everyone feels safe while contributing in their own way. 

We reserve the right to suspend or permanently ban anyone who violates these BYOND TOS or this EULA. To learn more about our moderation policies, how to report a player, and how to appeal an active enforcement action on your account email zelldot@gmail.com or contact a moderator on the BYOND forum.


Private information should be withheld from the AdamAIChat software by the users, each individual host and brain file holder is responsible for the removal of personal information.

Each individual host has the ability to allow or disallow downloading of the servers brain file in use, we have the ability override and download any brain file from any server being hosted, this is to collect information about conversations with AdamAIChat. Any personal information will be removed, such as personal names, addresses and other personal information.

If the brain file is merged into a master brain file which can become downloadable content from the AdamAIChat website only the username of the creator of the data in the brain file will be used along with the date of its creation for each individual piece of data. Other bits of data maybe used which is stored in each data file in the brain file, this include:

  • The username of the creator of new information.
  • The date of when the information was added.
  • If edited, the original conversation information.
  • If edited, the username of the editor.
  • Any conversation retention data.
  • Redundant information data, date of when last said.


Your local law may give you rights that this EULA cannot change, if so, this EULA applies as far as the law allows.

We may change this EULA from time to time, if we have reason to, such as changes to software, our practices, or our legal obligation. But those changes will be effective only to the extent that they can legally apply. In that case we'll inform you of the change before it takes effect, either by posting a notice on our website or by other reasonable means.

We are not going to be unfair about this though - but sometimes the law changes or someone does something that affects other users of the software and we therefore need to adjust.

If you come to us with a suggestion for AdamAIChat, that suggestion is made for free and we have no obligation to accept or consider it. This means we can use or not use your suggestion in any way we want and we do not have to pay you for it. If you think you have a suggestion that we would be willing to pay you for, please do not tell us your suggestion unless you have first told us you want to be paid and we have responded in writing by asking you to submit the suggestion.

If you want to notify us that you believe someone is infringing intellectual property, please submit your notice here. We reserve the right to take down any content in our discretion.

BYOND Terms Of Service: https://www.byond.com/TOS

Contact Information:
The Creator Of AdamAIChat: Adam C Watson
Email: Zelldot@gmail.com
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/adamaichat
Phone: (+44) 7865 509 574
Room 1, 33 Brocklesmead,
CM19 4PT,
United Kingdom