Core AI & brain-file update
Version: 5.10
Previous Versions: 5.09 - 5.08 - 5.07 - 5.06 - 5.05 - 5.04 - 5.03
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Version 5.10 Summery
- Added options tab.
- Added saving of application options.
- Removed a few button message bugs.
- Added a hosting button and added information on that in the info tab.
- Added a join server button, to allow easy access to anyone hosting already.
- Corrected a big problem with AI chatters
Added an option tab and started moving some of the button to the options menu. These option were not saved before, like time between auto saves, and will now be saved in the savefile folder as options.sav.
A button has been added to the new options tab which fully hides the brain tab from general users that are logged in when the AI is being hosted on BYOND.
Messages of button presses were coming up globally to everyone in chat, when it should only be displayed to the user, this has now been corrected.
A big bug has been corrected with the AI chatters using the users conversation trackers, rather than its own. Currently only the server admin can create.
A hosting button has been added but has a slight bug. Sometimes it takes longer to connect to the central server, which causes an error. The time between connecting and checking will been made longer to avoid this message in the next version. Although it says, it is not connecting, you can always check if you are connected via the info tab.
I may have half your infinity, but it is just as big.