Yearly Review (2023/2024)

Changes last year
May 2023 / May 2024

Previous Versions Details:

5.345.33 - 5.32 - 5.31 - 5.30
5.29 - 5.28 - 5.27 - 5.26

...Click here to download the latest version of AIChat...

Features added or changed:

  • Improved context correction of  detected questions about itself. ²⁶
  • Added the ability to rename the AI. ²⁸
  • Added more to the question detection system. ²⁹
  • Human like psychological bias controls added for new, first and recent information biases. ³⁰
  • Added a time redundancy option to ignore old topics, and right click options to edit individual files. ³¹
  • Added the ability to edit backtracing data to help retain conversation. ³¹
  • Added a word bias control tab. ³²
  • Added a go faster button which hides the brain and bias tab on the server side for admins. ³²
  • Changed saving the AI biases to an individual file in the settings folder. ³³
  • Optimized loading of ".brain" files, loading brain file should be a little faster. ³³
Subscriber features added or changed:
  • Added "Adding Mode" and "Average Mode" to load and merge. ²⁷
  • Added more interface theme. ³¹
  • Changed saving the AICore to an individual file in the settings folder. ³³
  • Optimized "Load and merge", merging ".brain" files now should be a little faster. ³³
  • Added a total timer and total percent process when file merging. ³³
  • Added a right click search feature to all files and folders. ³⁴
Articles released: