Going International


Going international with the most spoken language in the world, Chinese! (English is the second most spoken language!)

在过去的 6 个月中,统计数据显示 55% 的网站访问者使用普通话,即简体中文。
45% 的网站访问者来自香港,10% 的网站访问者来自新加坡,而只有 25% 的人以英语为母语。大约 25% 的人使用世界各地的其他语言。

如此多的网站浏览量令人惊讶,因为 AdamAIChat 最初是为英语人士构建的,并向英语受众做广告。


In the last 6 months, statistics show that 55% of website visitors speak Mandarin, also known as Simplified Chinese.
45% of website visitors came from Hong Kong and 10% of wensite visitors came from Singapore, while only 25% were English speaking as their native language. Roughly 25% speak other languages around the world.

This amount of website views was surprising as AdamAIChat was originally constructed for English speaking and advertised to and English speaking audience.
The original plans was to create a universal language system that is flexible by switching a simple artificial intelligence core file, but I did not expect it to be this flexible early on.

With statistics showing the most view from Hong Kong, AdamAIChat will be now be adjusting features for the Chinese people in future version!

请访问 AdamAIChat.com 的下载页面来帮助测试!
尽管默认的大脑文件是英文的,但这只是为 AdamAIChat 制作中文大脑文件的第一步。

计划让用户能够在 AdamAIChat 的未来版本中调整字体大小。

Official server online for testing the new Chinese artificial intelligence core!
I have already noticed the font size might need to be made bigger!
There are plans for the users to able to adjust font size in future version of AdamAIChat.
Some changes may have to be made to the code to fully implement all the features of this file, as English and Chinese are very different in grammar.
You will be able to still speak English on the Chinese server, it has an English brain file, but it will give Chinese responses for unknown sentences.

I have just released an experimental artificial intelligence core for Chinese!
This will not change the buttons yet, but you can still speak to it and teach it!
Visit the download page of AdamAIChat.com to help test it out!
Replace the AICoreMain.AICore in the settings folder.
Even though the default brain file is in English, this is one step towards making Chinese brain files for AdamAIChat.

注意:有关 AdamAIChat 的建议和错误修复请发送至 zelldot@gmail.com 以获取普通话/简体中文字体。BYOND 论坛与普通话/简体中文字体不兼容。

经过进一步测试,BYOND 仅使用拉丁字母中的字符,这会影响用户名、服务器状态和论坛帖子。

不需要 BYOND 用户名来运行 AdamAIChat,因为每个人都可以以访客身份登录,而无需注册 BYOND 服务。

Note: Suggestions and bug fixes for AdamAIChat should be sent to zelldot@gmail.com for Mandarin / Simplified Chinese font. The BYOND forum is incompatible with the Mandarin / Simplified Chinese font.

On further testing, BYOND uses only  characters from the latin alphabet, this affects usernames, server status and forum posts.

A BYOND username is not needed to run AdamAIChat, as everyone can sign in as a guest without the need for signing up to the BYOND service.

Psychology And Neurology In AI

Click Here To Download AdamAIChat!

There is hardly any psychology of machines when it comes to neural networking architecture, neural networks are set nodes that are adjusted in value when trained, but new nodes are never created or destroyed unlike neurons in the brain, this makes neural networks less flexible.

Photo by Ilya Grigorik, Edited by Adam Watson

The way which data is structured in the current models of artificial intelligence is a static model unlike AdamAIChat, current models have a set grid of nodes which are adjusted numerically when trained to adjust the output bases on inputs.

In AdamAIChat the artificial intelligence element adds nodes creating a tree like grid with webs that connect higher points of the tree back on itself to lower points in the tree.

Certain features also allow for individual neuron to die, just like a human brain, the lack of stimulus causes a neuron to die, and with lack of a need for that neuron, older information can be lost.

In AdamAIChat the user has ability to set a redundant information time span on data which is not brought up over a long period of time, this feature allows for the death of older information which is not longer relevant or related to the current time.

As each individual node is created and olders nodes die off, this creates a more realistic structure of a brain than a static node model.

With each node being created as need, the neural network of AdamAIChat has much more flexibility when being trained, allowing for more user control over each individual node compared to the traditional idea of a neural network which is like a black box, where the underlying workings are hidden.

Due to the complex structure of the way data is constructed in AdamAIChat, other psychological elements have been added over the many years of AdamAIChat being made public.

First information bias is one the major features which is a very big human trait, the first thing that is said about a topic tends to a higher value over newer information.

With a mixture of redundant information, recent information biases and new information biases, the data which is AdamAIChat outputs if relevant and up to date.

Other psychological biases such as word based biases can also adjust the outputs of the artificial intelligence to create different personalities giving each individual copy of AdamAIChat, this gives the artificial  intelligence likes and dislikes towards different types of conversations even with different brain files.

These word base bias adjustments can change the output of each conversation towards certain topics and move the conversation away from other topics.

The overall structure is a much larger enhancement to the original concept of neural networking with access to human like psychology compared to most of the original types of neural network design.

Click Here To Download AdamAIChat!

The End Of Nostalgia

With version 5 reaching its 4th year of its development, the nostalgia version of AdamAIChat will be decommissioned as further development cease to exist for version 1. Version 5 of AdamAIChat has all the original systems to emulate the nostalgia version but is much more efficient at compressing brain files from 24 gigabytes to 3 gigabytes.

Image by Ilya Grigorik

Currently the game script run on the version 1 architect but in the next few month development of the version 5 architect of the game script will begin making it a lot faster when implemented into a game on BYOND.

The last versions of the game script and nostalgia reverts any version 5 script to version 1 and version 5 can convert any brain file to the latest version since version 1, with the upgrade to of the game script conversion time will greatly be decreased as some report that it can take up to an hour and a half to convert large brain files.

A nostalgia AICore file will be made available for that original feel of nostalgia without the original bugs and errors of nostalgia, with the latest user interface adding more security and control than ever before!

With many more features over the original version including subject retention, question detection system, psychological bias controls, word based bias controls including banning words, date based redundant information settings, easier to edit brain options, and easy hosting and moderator settings, the latest version 5 of AdamAIChat leaves version 1 nostalgia far behind.

Version 5 of AdamAIChat has all the original feature and functions of version 1 nostalgia and is built upon version 1, so no function is lost and every update since has added new features.

As more people tend to want the latest version, ignoring the old version, this is the best way forward!

...Click here to download the latest version of AIChat...

Version Update 5.36

Core AI & brain-file update
Version: 5.36

Previous Versions:

5.34 - 5.33 - 5.32 - 5.31 - 5.30
5.29 - 5.28 - 5.27 - 5.26 - 5.25
5.24 - 5.23 - 5.22 - 5.21 - 5.20

...Click here to download the latest version of AIChat...

Version 5.36 Summery

Features added or changed:
  • Increased the maximum bias multiplier to 30.
  • Small changes to the backup system have been made.
  • Added a status bar to the bottom of the window to show download time.
  • Bug Fixed: Download brain can now be used by multiple people at once.
  • Bug Fixed: Word bias system new file creation fixed.
Subscriber features:
  • Added a rusty console interface theme.

Version 5.36 Details

Further fixes have been made to the word bias system, the main problem was with the initial creation of the AICore bias file, a fix file was added to the download section of this website to compensate for the error.

Some older brain files have a large file count, so the maximum word bias has been adjusted in the bias option for flexibility.

There was an error with downloading brain files from other users who host servers with the allow download option, if a second person downloaded a brain file it would overwrite the first temporary file created for the first download, resulting in an error.

Now it creates a back up file on the server side for the user to download using the default backup system, small changed have been made to the backup system to stop it overwriting itself if a file already exists with the same time stamp.

A status bar at the bottom of the window has been added to show the download time of the file from server to client.

Added a rusty nuclear style console interface theme for subscribers.


...Click here to download the latest version of AIChat...

Game script update 1.03

Game script update
Version: 1.03

...Download the latest version of AIChat or the AIChat script for game creators..

Click here to read about version 1.02

Version 1.03 Summery

Features added or changed:
  • Fixed version error interfering with game version.
  • Fixed the conversion on every start up.
  • Changed location of AI brain save file.
  • Has an updated brain files from version 5.35.

Version 1.03 Details

Build the AI brain files in the latest version of AdamAIChat V5, then add them to you games NPCs!

This is a long awaited update, the first update in a year! A number of small bug fixes has been applied to allow a better compatibility with games being created on BYOND, includes the latest version of the default brain file pre-converted to version 1 files.

...More streamline...

...Download the latest version of AIChat or the AIChat script for game creators...